NCMR - Credits


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This page is sponsored by:

Central Coast Trains

ABP - Animated GIF)
These pages were created and are maintained by Darin Volpe.
It's the browser I use, so these pages have only been tested with Netscape Navigator 3.0.

The North County Model Railroaders' site is hosted by, San Luis Obispo County's local mall for local shoppers.


The background sound file was created by Gary W. (I'll find out what the "W" stands for.) I've edited out about two minutes to compact it to a reasonable size for downloading. The entire file is here and more can be found at: - for Big Band Tunes (A-M) MIDI - for Big Band Tunes (N - Z) MIDI - for Broadway/TV/Movies/Seasonal MIDI

This MIDI file is copyrighted and used by permission.


The Mikado at the head of this train was modified from a file located at

The caboose was modified from an image from the same source, created by Ken Houghton Rail Images.

All Railroad logos were downloaded from the various companies with the exception of Amtrak, which was found at the Amtrak Schedules Page, CP Rail and VIA Rail, which were found at and created by Ken Houghton Rail Images, and CN, also from

The NCMR Logo was scanned from our newsletter and colorized. Designed by Jim Fitzgerald.

Photo credits appear in the photos. Photos without credits were created and are copyrighted by Darin Volpe.

All other images were created by Darin Volpe

Many thanks go to Matt Wright for writing the guestbook scripts, they and more can be found at Matt's Script Archive

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Passenger Train Sillouette (1.4k)

ABP Animation
These pages were designed and are maintained by Darin Volpe.
Copyright © 1997 Darin Volpe. All Rights Reserved